When you think of lavender, do you picture it buzzing with bees in a garden? Or dried in little sachets, ready to keep the moths at bay in your closet? Most of us probably associate lavender with its relaxing qualities and you may have used it to help you drift off from time to time.
However you picture lavender, we bet it's not on your plate! But culinary lavender makes for a deliciously delicate and aromatic flavouring - you may be surprised just how many edible ideas there are to explore.
So, what is 'culinary lavender' anyway?
'Can you actually eat lavender?'
We get asked this all the time. And while it's true that all lavender is technically edible, not all lavender is the same. Some varieties produce a very bitter taste, due to the amount of camphor in the plant - not enjoyable to eat!
Culinary lavender is generally made with the flowers of lavandula angustifolia or lavandula x. intermedia varieties. This produces a more sweet and floral flavour.
How can you use culinary lavender?
From beverages to baking, seasoning to sweets (and even savoury dishes, too), a little lavender can go a long way, creating some tasty treats.
Here's 5 of our favourites:
Lavender Scones
An absolute classic, lavender scones are a big hit in our own tea room throughout the season. We bake them fresh every morning and they never stick around for long!
They're very simple to make, too. Simply follow your favourite standard scone recipe and add two teaspoons of culinary lavender to the dried ingredients. A little goes a long way and will give your scones a deliciously delicate lavender flavour.
Pair with the classic combination of clotted cream or butter and jam (blueberry & lavender is a winner 😉)
Lavender Chicken
Lavender and meat? It might seem like a bizarre combination, but you'd be surprised how well the flavours go together.
This lavender and lemon chicken recipe from The Happy Foodie is worth a try for your next Sunday lunch!
Lavender & Lemon Cake
Lavender and lemon is a wonderful combination; the sharp zest pairing beautifully with the fragrant floral flavour. Why not give the recipe from Season Herbs a go and see for yourself.
Lavender lemonade
Quick, easy and super refreshing, this lavender lemonade is a taste of summer in a glass. Mix up a batch with this Simply Recipes guide.
Lavender Sugar
Lavender sugar is incredibly simple to make and very versatile. Use in baking, rim a cocktail glass, add to whipped cream, sprinkle on cakes and cookies or over fresh fruit, or sweeten a beverage - there are so many uses!
To make it, simply add one tablespoon of culinary lavender to a cup of granulated sugar and blitz in a food processor. When finely ground, add a second cup of sugar to the mix and combine. Then store in an airtight container. The lavender will infuse through the sugar giving it a sweet, floral flavour.
Want to try some of the recipes out yourself?
If you fancy getting creative in the kitchen, grab yourself some culinary lavender from our online shop. We also have our own recipe book, filled with inspiration!
Sharing your wares? Don't forget to tag @yorkshirelavender. We'd love to see your culinary adventures!